Pair programming with tmux

Create a secure login to your tmux session

The simpliest way to develop over the network with a colleague or friend in a secure way, is to use ssh[1] and tmux[2]. An alternative is to use a very popular tool named tmate[3]. In my opinion, it is not necessary, because it is so simple to create a new user on your machine and to share your tmux session with them. Only if you haven’t a ssh incoming routing, you may use another way. Here is a step-by-step guide to create a user and share your tmux session:


Install the following packages on your machine:

tmux        # terminal multiplexer
openssh     # ssh daemon

and the ssh port forwarded to your machine.

Create user and group

$ groupadd shared               # create group "shared"
$ useradd tmux                  # create user "tmux"
$ usermod -a -G shared tmux     # add user tmux to group shared
$ usermod -a -G shared $USER    # add your current user to group
$ passwd tmux                   # set pass for user tmux
$ mkdir /home/tmux              # create home dir for tmux

Share a tmux session

I have created a little script for sharing a new tmux session


#!/usr/bin/env bash

if ! pgrep -x "sshd" > /dev/null
    echo "Start ssh daemon..." && sudo systemctl start sshd.service
tmux -S /tmp/shared -f ~/.tmux.conf new -s shared -d
chgrp shared /tmp/shared
tmux -S /tmp/shared attach

for joining a tmux session, the thmux user have to run the tmuxjoin script


#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ -e /tmp/shared ]] && tmux -S /tmp/shared attach

To run this script automatically after user login, put this line to the .bash_profile

[[ -e /tmp/shared ]] && ~/tmuxjoin

EDIT: For sharing your current session, I modified the scripts as follows:


#!/usr/bin/env bash

CURRENT=$(echo $TMUX | cut -f1 -d',')
SESSION=$(echo $TMUX | cut -f3 -d',')

if ! pgrep -x "sshd" > /dev/null
    echo "Start ssh daemon..." && sudo systemctl start sshd.service
chgrp shared "$CURRENT"
chgrp shared "$(dirname $CURRENT)"
chmod 0770 -R "$(dirname $CURRENT)"
echo "$CURRENT,$SESSION" > /tmp/shared.current


#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -e /tmp/shared.current ]; then
    SOCKET="$(cat /tmp/shared.current | cut -f1 -d',')"
    SESSION="$(cat /tmp/shared.current | cut -f2 -d',')"
    tmux -S "$SOCKET" attach -t "$SESSION"
[[ -e /tmp/shared ]] && tmux -S /tmp/shared attach


[1] OpenSSH
[2] TMUX