My tweets/toots archive directly synced from fediverse. Actually from

let’s deliver more compliance for AI rather than for the people who use it. great choice microsoft.

PLEASE provide rss everywhere. everyone, please. #plainweb #rss #justcontent

Paypal should be exactly like apple pay, now. #paypal #payment #ecommerce
OR all the shops outside, switch to apple pay.

Linux is driven politicaly from now on. #badnews #protest@torvalds@linuxfoundation

Georg Elser could have prevented all the suffering, he just miscalculated the timing. #remember

Always clarify your conflict with your child afterwards, because only admonishing/punishing them leaves them in the dark. #kids #parenting

Im a big fan of the netherlands, but why your food culture is that crazy!? Deep fried, everything. #netherlands

- A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. - Asimov #robotics

Parents need to act always like the same team. #kids #consistent #education

Why does it seems like everyone is stuck on their java stacks #hate #norisknofun #java #offspring … at least dare to use kotlin!

How can democracy take place with a demographical imbalance when the older population has completely different preferences to those of the younger population and they are in the majority? Unfair. #oldnotgold #thought #politics

Music is most of the time SO emotional! I love to listen & feel it … 🎶🫀#thevoice

jealousy is the root of all evil.

Parents are the hidden champions. They are compelled to escape selfishness for the sake of their children and their future, thereby contributing to climate and sustainability. On the other hand, these children require many resources throughout their lives. The challenge is therefore to raise smarter and more sustainable thinking children than ourselves for the generations that come. #thought

I just LOVE ballen! ❤️🏀 Its always about getting better … cause winning makes much more fun.

Father’s pride and trust are the rock! My darling…

Regardless of the bad opinion of Elon Musk, he is a GENIUS! #tesla #spacex #gigafactory

Try to use @logseq for my daily journal & notes

One-liner to create index out of two booleans @tsoding size_t icon_index = (p-»fullscreen<<1)|hoverover;

Americans are finally waking up and seeing the actions of their killer politician decisions… 👏

Often read articles like, most useful skills learned in X years as software engineer. This is one of my favorite so far…

Love adana sis kebab 🤤

So impressed of @homeassistant one of the best piece of software ever used und using every day! Props to each and every contributor! 😍🤓

Fries with garlic and parmecano are sooo delicious! #meal #burgercult #münster

Linus Torvald got his name from Linus Pauling a nobel prize awarded for chemistry and peace

#railsworld2023 videos are available. Did wait for this missed talk 🤗

Bad development flow eats lots of resources (energy, time, motivation, …) #development

Great turkish restaurant in amsterdam Maydanoz #meal #amsterdam #throwback